



TOPIC 1: 東北関東大震災




・Twitterなどでもよく取り上げられている有名な「 ジュリアーニNY市長のテロの時のスピーチ














TOPIC 2: 第11回JMRX勉強会2011年3月、本日です。


日本赤十字社 東北関東大震災義援金へ参加費+α 全額をJMRXとして、寄付予定です。ご了解下さい。


TOPIC 3: 『次世代マーケティングリサーチ』を読んで:次世代マーケティングリサーチは、すでに始まっています!
























TOPIC 4: ネット・リサーチ考













TOPIC 5: NewMRVirtual Festibal 第2弾 Listening is the New Asking 2011 3月8日開催されました

・昨年の12月に引き続き、NewMR Virtual Festivalの第2弾が3月8日(火)開催されました。

テーマは、Listening is the New Asking



TOPIC 6: 人材考











業界を変える「イノベイティブなシンキング」(Innovative thinking)ができる貴重な存在だと思います。




TOPIC 7: 会議案内

(1)ESOMAR Insights 2011: A New World Order In Shopper Marketing 2月27日ー3月1日ブリュッセル(終了)

プログラム http://www.esomar.org/uploads/event/insights-2011/pdf/ESOMAR-Insights-2011_Programme.pdf

内容紹介: http://rwconnect.esomar.org/category/event-blogs/insights2011/

(2)ESOMAR Asia Pacific 2011: Increasing value through simplicity メルボルン3月20日ー22日(進行中)





Twitterハシュタグ #res11

(4)the 2011 Text Analytics Summit 5月18日19日 ボストン

Social Media Analytics – Uncover text mining’s essential role in optimizing the potential of the vast social media world

Sentiment Analysis for the 2010s – Enhance brand perception and gain insight into your organization’s public image

Text Analytics For Marketing – Use advanced text mining techniques to target customers more effectively and boost the power of marketing

Voice of the Customer Analytics – Gain a competitive advantage by formulating a unified analytics strategy

(5)Re:think 2011 – ARF 75th Anniversary Annual Convention 3月20日ー23日NY

(6)シンガポールMR協会年次大会 Market Research Society Singapore 4月6日ー7日

(7)  Technology Driven Market Research Event,5月2日ー3日 シカゴ



・Ray Poynter, ’The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research: Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers’の内容紹介メモ(著作権の侵害をしないように、独断と偏見によるポイントの要約)の第14回目です。

今回は、パートIV リサーチ・トピックス

15章 ウエッブサイト・リサーチの

第3節 ウエッブサイト・メトリクスとアナリティクス













次回は、第4節 サイト・レビューとプロフェッショナル・レビュー


Weekly Research Blogosphere







1.Jeffrey Henning 's Vovici

1.Monadic Price Testing: “Shh, It’s All About Price” (2/14)

2.Removing Friction from Customer Relationships (2/14)

3.Vovici 6: Enterprise Feedback Management, Enterprise-wide (2/15)

4.Curb Their Enthusiasm (2/16)

5.Voice of the Customer Programs from Scratch (2/17)

6.Research Roundup: New Kids on the Blog (2/19)
7.Mr. X Obsoletes the Wheel (2/20)

8.Marketing Market Research to Marketing Students (2/21)

9.Causes of Survey Incompletes: Why Panelists Say They Abandon Surveys (2/22)

10.Actionable Information: Translating Feedback into Change (2/23)

11.Sequential Monadic & Gabor-Granger: Bargaining with Respondents (2/24)

12.In a Relationship - It's Complicated (2/24)

13.Survey Invitation Best Practices (2/25)

14.Research Roundup: What Happens in Vegas Shows up on Facebook (2/26)

15.Mr. X: The PHC Wants Work for Free (2/27)

16.Re-engineering the Annual Relationship Survey (2/28)

17.What's Your Brontosaurus? (3/1)

18.The Usability of Web Surveys (3/2)

19.Voice of the Customer through the Employee (VOCE) (3/3)

20.Jeffrey Henning and the Mechanical Bull (3/3)

21.Asking in the Age of Listening (3/4)

22.Research Roundup: Segmentation Fault, Printer Jam, Switching Error (3/5)

23.Mr. X & Ford's Scion (3/6)

24."You're the Top! You're the Coliseum": Top-Box Scores vs. Means (3/7)

25.Revenue Index Curves: Maximizing Gross Sales through Pricing Research (3/8)

26.Tortoise or the Hare: Social Media Sampling (3/9)

27.Assume the Worst of that Survey (3/10)

28.Are Your Employees the Chicken or the Egg? (3/10)

29.Happy Birthday, iPad! Reflections on Product Development (3/11)

30.Research Roundup: The Top 5 Hot Links of the #MRX Week (3/12)

31.Mr. X & the Sample of 1 (3/13)

32.Respondents as Economic Actors: Behavioral Economics & MR (3/14)

33.Customer Experience Defined (3/15)

34.The Hype Cycle: Social Reaction to Adopting New Technology (3/16)

Gartner’s hype cyclesについて

Gartner’s hype cycle framework is valuable for researchers for two reasons: first, it shows the social reaction to new technologies and product categories over time; second, it can help inform a more measured assessment of new MR technologies themselves


ガートナー ハイプサイクル

35.Hyping Research Methodologies (3/17)

36.Whatever It Takes (3/17)

37.Taking Online Communities into the Real World (3/18)


Online communities connect people who have something in common

2.Joel Rubinson on Marketing Research

38.A great digital display advertising search tool (2/18)


MOAT www.moat.com


39.Mobile marketing must simplify shopping to take off (3/2)


40.Rediscovering the lost art of brand loyalty analysis for a digital age (3/17)


3.Rearch Rockstar

41.The Future of Market Research: Here’s What’s Out (2/18)



42.Market Research Creativity: 4 Ways to Do More with Market Research (2/23)



43.4 More Cool Ways to Use Market Research (2/28)


44.What If? (3/3)




But remember, the goal is not to place blame—it’s to find opportunities for improvement.

46.Market Research Policies (3/10)


4.Tom H. C. Anderson - Next Gen Market Research

47.Top-10 Most Innovative Research Firms (2/15)


48.The Future of Text Analytics(2/16)

7th Annual Text Analytics Summit案内とインタビュー記事

49.Live Interview - Transparency in Research Offshoring (2/24)


50.10 Tips for Aspiring Bloggers (And Why I Blog) (2/25)


51.Interview for IIR’s Tech Driven Market Research Event (2/28)


52.Who Is Lenny Murphy? (3/1)

・Leonard Murphy とのインタビュー記事
53.Are You Enchanting? (3/2)

・Guy Kawasaki氏の新刊書Enchantmentの紹介


・NGMR Top Bloggersイベントについて


55.Summary of NGMR Top Blogs 5 Hot 5 Not (3/9)

NGMR Top Bloggersイベントについて

56.The Experts of Text! (3/10)

・Text analyticについてのインタビュー記事

5.The Future Place Blog

57.Why an 82% survival rate may not be better than a 44% rate? (2/14)

58.The Programme for the NewMR 'Listening is the New Asking' is available (2/17)

・NewMR 'Listening is the New Asking' の予告

59.A Review of Rijn Vogelaar’s book - The Superpromoter (2/21)

・Rijn Vogelaar’s book の紹介

60.More ways to get involved in NewMR (2/22)


61.Are you going to be in Australia in March? (2/23)


62.Key themes in listening research (3/2)


①To what extent can machines replace researchers?
Is this research market research?
Do we really understand what we should be paying attention to?
④What are the key quality and ethics issues?

63.Interview with Brian Singh of Zinc Research (3/7)

・Brian Singh of Zinc Researchとのインタビュー

64.Do you know any young people? If so, get them to read Tanvi’s blog (3/9)

・Tanvi Gupta の紹介 Tanvi has just posted a blog

65.An #Gov2au tweetup in Canberra, March 18 (3/12)

・Friday 18th to discuss Social Media and Government会議予告

6.Random Sampling


7.Straight Talk with Nigel Hollis

66.Can internal culture replace the need for consumer insight? (2/14)

67.Breaking the tyranny of technology (2/17)

68.Getting the frequency right in social media  (2/21)

69.What Coca-Cola’s secret recipe teaches us about brand equity (2/24)

70.What can we learn from Walmart’s U.S. sales slump? (3/1)

71.Miracle Whip, Marmite, and the Love-It-or-Hate-It Brand (3/2)

72.Gordon Brown’s scary roller coaster ride (3/7)

73.The skinny on Diet Pepsi’s Skinny Can (3/10)

74.What lesson can brands really learn from the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa? (3/14)
75.How a rat-brain robot might learn to love a brand (3/16)


76.Love Stats (2/14)

77.The Statistics of Rice or Stats for Visual People (2/15)

78.I’m going to scream if you mention panel quality one more time #MRX (2/16)

79.Advertising to Real People – Including Researchers #MRX (2/17)

80.Next Year’s New MR: Super Extra Cool New MR (2/19)

81.Really Simple Statistics: T-Tests #MRX (2/21)

82.The Worst Teacher I Ever Had #PostADay (2/23)

83.Elephants Must Pay the Fine #MRX (2/25)

84.Nanaimo Bars (and recipe) for the American Dessertly Challenged (2/27)

85.Fake Science: What market research works to avoid #MRX (3/1)

86.How to Motivate Yourself to Blog: Read the Undying Praise of your Spammers (3/5)

87.Buttertart and Nanaimo Bar Statistics: Annie’s Dream Bakery #MRX (3/7)

88.Really Simple Statistics: Nominal Ordinal Interval and Ratio Numbers #MRX (3/9)

89.It’s now 3:14pm says this stupid clock for stats geeks. #MRX (3/11)

90.Frame this Gorgeous Mercedes Benz ad on your living room wall #MRX (3/12)

91.I’m a Lion in the Market Research Zoo #MRX (3/13)

92.Really Simple Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode #MRX (3/15)

93.Pick One: Pretty or Pretty Misleading #MRX (3/17)

94.Help a Student! #MRX (3/19)

9.The Surrvey Geek

95.Let's focus on the third leg (3/14)


10.Insites Blog

96.Casebook me and about a job with a future (2/17)

97.Febelmar Happening 2011 (3/2)

98.Do you think we’re ready to win the MOAwards 2011? (3/7)

MOAward for Agency of the year 2011について

99Your brand may be cool today, but will it still be hot tomorrow?3/8)

Generation Yについて

Barbara Nieuwenhuijsの紹介

11.The Researcher's Perspective


12.Future of Insight

101.GreenBook Interview (2/22)

・Robert Moran of StrategyOneとのインタビュー記事

I expect MROCs, ..., to evolve as a core (and possibly the core) insights method. 

My view is that MROCs will become as central to the corporate insight function as the brand tracker has been historically.  These MROCs will take many forms. ... The potential here is enormous.

I anticipate significant change over the next few years.  I’m excited about it.

Neuromarketing is where MROCs were 5 years ago.


Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

LEADING EDGE MARKETING RESEARCH: 21st Century Tools and Practices

13.Voices of CMB

102.Smartphones and Retail Transparency: Legwork from the Aisle (3/10)

shoppers were using smartphones in-store to do everything from comparing prices of products and services to making a purchase.

103.Upcoming Conferences and Webinars (3/17)

Social Media and Community 2.0 Strategies会議について(4/4-6、ボストン)

Technology Driven Market Research Event会議について

14.The Forrester Blog

104.Global Shopper Insights — Thoughts About My Speech At ESOMAR Next Week  (2/17)

ESOMAR Insights Conference について

105.The Data Digest: When Do Consumers Use Reviews and Ratings? (2/18)

consumer ratings and reviews サイトの利用

social mediaデータとの統合利用

106.What's In Store At Forrester's Marketing Forum (2/23)

Forrester’s Marketing Forum 2011 について

The future (of MR) is bright, but it hinges on building capabilities in three areas: consolidation of different data sources, deeper engagement across lines of business, and new skills that go beyond traditional market research training.

Splinternet スプリンターネット(分断インターネット)についてhttp://trendy.nikkeibp.co.jp/tvote/poll.jsp?MODE=RESULT&POLL_ID=20100513

107.ESOMAR Shopper Insights Conference: Innovative Methodologies Can Improve Internal Communication
ESOMAR Shopper Insights Conference 2011について
Stephanie Grootenhuis, from Kraft Foods Internationalの発表の紹介。
in Kraft language: Insight, Actions, and Sales Uplift
MRにおけるCreative thinking 

108. How Enterprise Feedback Management Can Help Market Insights Professionals Manage Data And Information Overload (3/2)

enterprise feedback management (EFM) について

market insights professionals need to take control over the data by positioning themselves as the centralized knowledge house of data and analysis. By working as strategic partners alongside key stakeholders from other departments, the market insights department becomes the “glue” that links and builds a unified research program across the organization.

 109.Data Digest: The Social Networks Young Consumers Use (3/4)
youngsters are highly active on social networking sites.

More than 90% of 12- to 17-year-olds who are active on social networks have an account on Facebook, 
Without tapping into these deeper motivations, brands will never fully benefit from this social opportunity.

110.Youth Research At Marketing Forum 2011: A Glimpse Into 21st Century Market Insights

Marketing Forum 2011について。

・4月5日、6日にサンフランシスコで開かれるForrester’s Marketing Forum2011年の予告。

今年のテーマ: “Innovate Your Marketing For The Next Digital Decade”

prediction markets, neuroscience, and gamificationの3つの新しいMRの方法に注目。

リサーチャー:Market Insights Professionals seeking to identify the trends in emerging media and how they affect customer research.

a letter to request approval from your manager. [Word document]





16.Marketing Research Watch



112.『次世代マーケティングリサーチ』 (3/4)


18.tanoue40's Blog

113.愚痴 (2/25)


114.感覚、知覚、認知 (3/10)

115.ダニエル・カーネマンとモデレーション(統計的予測と臨床的予測) (3/18)

20.きまぐれ リサーチャーどうでしょう



116.JMRX勉強会【ソーシャル・メディア・リサーチ最前線】に行ってきた (3/5)


The 6th SIG PMKT Workshop


118.次世代MRの方法 『コミュニティ・リサーチ』の普及に向けて! (3/7)

23.Digital Consumer Planner's Blog

119.ブランド・リスニング(傾聴)事例の紹介 (8) ブランド再構築とリポジショニング ③ (2/14)



◆Edward F. McQuarrieの
 The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners


今回は、第1章 Nature and Characteristics of Market Researchの
第3節 第3節 Relationship of Business Strategy to Market Research
第1パラグラフ①・Business strategy involves a goal and a plan for achieving that goal.

・Strategies can be differentiated according to both the goal and the plan.

・Thus, two typical but very different goals would be to maximize profitability on a quarter-by-quarter basis, or to maximize market share over a multiyear time frame.

・Examples of typical but distinct plans (any of which could be appropriate with respect to several different strategic goals) would be to achieve low-cost leadership in production processes, to build strong brands, to pursue innovative solutions, to offer unique product functionality, and so forth.

・Aaker (2004) provides a handy compendium (概要)of different kinds of business strategies along with frameworks for integrating and differentiating the various business strategies in use today.

・Given this definition, it can be argued that in principle market research and business strategy have a reciprocal relationship, as shown in Figure 1.1.

・Sometimes market research comes after business strategy (this is probably the most common sequence).
・That is, first a plan is hatched in the minds of management, and second, market research is conducted to determine the odds of success with respect to each alternative approach to implementing the plan (and what can be done to improve these odds).

・However, it is equally possible for market research to precede and to provide input to the formulation of business strategy.

・At a time of transition in the business, management may choose to embark first on an intensive examination of markets and customers, and second, to formulate new strategies.

・In successful firms we expect to see an ongoing dynamic relationship between business strategy and market research.

・Ideas are conceived and then refined through specific market research projects, while at the same time ongoing market research yields up new ideas for gaining strategic advantage.

・However, it can be argued that firms that are relatively more market oriented place proportionately greater influence on the strategy discovery function of market research, whereas firms that are relatively less market oriented tend to emphasize the strategy confirmation function.

・This argument rests on the idea that if a firm's business strategies seldom originate from market research, then this is probably a firm that is not primarily focused on markets and customers that is, not market oriented.

・An interesting extension of this argument is that market-oriented firms in general, and firms concerned with discovering or generating strategies in particular, can be expected to place more emphasis on, and invest extra effort in, the more exploratory and qualitative techniques of market research (e.g., customer visits, focus groups).


Finally, I would argue that the more challenging and difficult task occurs when market research precedes and is intended to lead to formulation of a new business strategy.

・When instead market research is used to implement an existing strategy, the challenges are primarily technical, heavier reliance can be placed on outsiders and specialists, and the interpretation of research results is more straightforward.

Conversely, market research in the service of strategy generation requires greater involvement by decision makers and presents more difficult conceptual challenges, and its results require more effort to interpret effectively.

次週は、第4節 Technological Innovation and Market Research です。




1.exponentially 【副】 幾何学級数的に、急激に、飛躍的に

2.clamor  ~をやかましく言う、騒がしく言う

3.panoply 【名】〔よろい・かぶと・盾などの〕武具一式、見事な勢ぞろい

4.nascent 【形】発生[出現]しようとしている、発生期の

5.glimpse 【名】チラッと見ること、一目、兆候、気配 【動】チラッと見える、垣間見える

6.bombard 【名】射石砲 【他動】~を爆撃する、〔情報などを〕いっせいに流す

7.badger 【名】アナグマ(の毛皮)、【他動】~にしつこく言う、質問する、やいやい言う、せっつく


8.posit 【他動】~を事実と仮定する、~と断定する、〔限られた情報から〕結論を下す、推測する

9.thaw 【名】〔自然現象により雪・氷などが〕解けること、雪解け、〔冷凍食品などの〕解凍【動】

10.legwork 【名】〔スポーツ・ダンスなどの〕フットワーク、脚の動き、脚さばき、〔聞き込み調査・取材などの〕脚を使う仕事

11.•pan out 鍋(pan)をゆすって金を取り出す、砂金が出る、成功する、計画がうまくいく、〔努力などが〕報われる[良い結果を出す・良い結果につながる、〔計画などが〕結局~となる

•pan out well 〔計画などが〕うまくいく

・How it all pans out remains to be seen.

12.agnostic 不可知論者◆神の存在は、証明することも反証することも不可能だと唱える人。

13.commensurate  【形】釣り合った、釣り合いのとれた、同じ大きさの、同一基準の、同量の、比例した、相応の

14.wonky 【形】不安定な、グラグラする、ヨロヨロする、

15.•redeemable  【形】 (抵当に入れた財産を)買い戻し[請け戻]できる、償還できる、換金できる、商品に換えられる、弁済できる

16.•voila 【間投】〈フランス語〉ほら、じゃじゃーん、(もう)出来上がり

・Add some milk, and voila. : ミルクを加えれば、ほら出来上がり。

17.scrape 〔データなどを〕取得[収集]する

18.disclaimer 【名】免責条項[事項]、《法律》権利の放棄

19.cringe 【名】 身がすくむこと、縮み上がること 【自動】〔恐怖などで〕縮みあがる、すくむ

20.rogue 【名】いたずらっ子、わんぱく小僧、悪漢、悪党、不良、詐欺師

21.inundate 【他動】 ~に殺到する、充満させる、水浸しにする、

22.intrusive 【形】押し入る、押し付けがましい、立ち入った、出しゃばりの、煩わしい

23.onerous 【形】 重荷になる、面倒な、厄介な、煩わしい、難航する

24.solicitation 【名】〔金銭・支援・情報などの〕懇願、懇請

25.postmortem  【名】 検視、死体解剖、事後論議、事後分析、【形】〈ラテン語〉死後の、事後の

26.hone 【名】 砥石{といし}【他動】~を砥石で研ぐ、能力に磨きをかける、(技能・腕を)磨く、鍛える

27.scalpel  【名】 外科用メス

28.•mortis causa 死亡により、死亡を予期して

29.arsenal 【名】 武器庫、兵器庫、備品、在庫、蓄積

30.freebie 【名】ただ[無料]でもらえるもの、無料サンプル、試供品、景品【形】無料の

31.fodder 【名】〔家畜用の〕飼料、飼い葉、〔おきまりの〕素材

32.impeccable 【形】一分の隙もない、申し分がない

33.ballyhoo 【名】大げさな[やかましい]宣伝、うるさい口論、大騒ぎ、【他動】鳴り物入りで宣伝}する、大げさに騒ぎ立てる[宣伝する]

•ballyhooed 【形】 前評判の高い、鳴り物入りの

34.spawn 【他動】〔水生動物が卵を〕産む、~を発生させる、生じる、引き起こす

35.culprit 【名】.《法律》刑事被告人、容疑者、問題の原因[発端]

36.semblance 【名】外見、外観、うわべ、見せかけ

37. •unflappable 【形】〈話〉〔困難・危機などに直面しても〕パニックにならない、じたばたしない、うろたえない

38.troll 【名】流し釣り、〈俗〉釣り、ネタ、荒らし、煽り◆インターネットの掲示板・チャット・メーリングリストなどで、単に多くの反応を得たいとか、場を荒らして面白がることを目的とするばかげた[議論の火種となる]投稿(をする人)、【動】(渓流で)流し釣りする、挑発的メッセージを投稿する◆インターネットの掲示板・チャット・メーリングリストなどで

39.•counterintuitive 【形】直観で分かるものではない、直観に反した

40.•empathetic 【形】共感できる、共感的な、親身になってくれる、感情移入の

41.chord 【名】《音楽》和音、コード、〔色などの〕調和、一致 、【動】~に調子を合わせる、~に一致させる

42.cipher 【名】〔数字の〕0、アラビア数字、.暗号(化)【他動】~を暗号[符号コード]化する、〔計算などで問題を〕解く

43.saddle 【名】〔乗用馬の〕鞍、【他動】〔動物に〕鞍をつける、〔重荷などを~に〕課す、負わせる

44.bullish  【形】楽観的な、経済の見通しの明るい、雄牛のような、〔株式市場が〕強気(筋)の、

45.unearth 【他動】~を掘り出す、~を発掘する,~を明るみに出す、〔計画などを〕暴く

46.poignant 【形】心を打つ、痛恨の、辛辣な、痛烈な、胸を刺すような、心が痛む、鋭い、感動的

47.gridiron 【名】《料理》焼き網、道路網、格子、《アメフト》競技場、フィールド

48.esoteric 【形】難解な、深遠な、秘密の、秘伝的な

49.•aptly 【副】 適切に

50.dreary 【形】〔天候などが〕陰鬱な、物悲しい、〔仕事などが〕退屈な、つまらない

51.footing 【名】 〔しっかりした〕足場、足元の状態、.基礎、基盤

52.rock-bottom 【形】 〔価格などが〕最低の、どん底の

53.plummet 【名】価値などの〕急落、急な下落、【自動】真っすぐに落ちる、〔価値などが〕急落する、急に下がる

54.•foreclosure 【名】《法律》〔抵当物・担保物件の〕請け戻し権喪失、質流れ、担保権執行、フォークロージャー

55.depositor 【名】預ける人[もの]、〔銀行の〕預金者、顧客

56.market 【名】市況、相場、【自動】売買を行う、【他動】~を市場で売買する

57.bash 【他動】強く打つ、~を強く[激しく]非難する

58.tailor 【名】テーラー、仕立屋、【他動】~を合わせる、調整する

59.affinity 【名】〔人や物への〕親しみ、親近感、一体感、類似[共通]性[点]

60.•OMG 【インターネット略】 =Oh, my god [gosh]! どうしよう!、なんてこった!、げっ、うっそ~!

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#150 レイ・ポインターのMR白熱教室2015 第4回(最終回)報告

<第149回> レイ・ポインターのMR白熱教室2015 第4回(最終回)報告 2015年6月23日 ● 第4回目のテーマは、 『データからストーリーテリング』 でした。 ● 7月にレイとの懇親会を予定しております。世界のMRのソート・リーダー(thought ...