







Top 10 Reasons You Need an MROC in 2011
The mainstreaming of ‘social’ in MR in 2011
What’s On Tap For MROCs in 2011 
The Next Evolution Of MROCs  


Our Take: Omnicom Group Acquires Communispace 
Omnicom buys community builder Communispace

Ray Poynterは、これをanother sign that MROCs are becoming mainstreamと評しています。
Some people have a strange idea of client confidentiality



「マーケティング・リサーチ・オンライン・コミュニティ(MROC)は、従来の定性リサーチの世界に衝撃を与えた。なぜならMROCは、安くて、早くて、かつグルインなどの伝統的な定性リサーチの手法が現在提供できていない新しいタイプのインサイトを創出することができるからである」とその前の2006年、2007年当時のトレンドをMROCという言葉で表現したのが2008年4月でしたので、およそ5年ぐらいのタイムラグがあります。(「Web 2.0はマーケティング・リサーチを変革するだろうか?」2008年4月)
Will Web 2.0 Transform Market Research?



Qualitative Research In WEB 2.0 Asia-Pacific




09:15 The rise of online qualitative: reflections on the evolving qualitative research marketplace
• The growth of online qualitative research: evidence
from the qualitative marketplace
• Providing an overview on how qualitative techniques
have changed from past to present
• What are the implications of changes to researchers
and what do we expect in the future?

Jeff Walkowski - President - Qualcore.com (US)

10:00 Developing innovative qualitative research
techniques for effective digital marketing strategy
• Optimising digital media through innovative qualitative
• Using qualitative research in all key stages of the web
redevelopment and redesign process to provide
actionable recommendations, feeding directly into the
digital marketing strategy
• Presenting research outcomes in a highly visual and
dynamic way using screenshots, diagrams and
interactive prototypes

Stanislav Bondjakov and Preslav Bondjakov
Directors - ConsumerVisions (Australia)

09:15 Insight generation through DigiViduals:
using search robots for mass ethnography
• DigiViduals: a cutting-edge qualitative technique for
gathering latest consumer trends, demographics and
new ideas for product development
• Discussing the challenges of implementing online
qualitative research in
• China: dealing with censorships and characters
• Examples of success stories: the case of a leading
premium spirit brand in China

Han Zantingh - Managing Director
Brainjuicer China

10:00 From observation to conversation: gaining
actionable insights for brands through digital
• Leveraging the value and in-depth understanding of
ethnography in the modern digital world
• Utilising digital ethnography for consumer selfreporting,
observations and dialogues
• Uncovering powerful insights that can be translated
into key decisions for businesses and brands
• Example of a success story: the case of a large FMCG
company in Vietnam

Tom Skilbeck - Director - Cimigo (Vietnam)
Bang Doan - Senior Brand Manager
FrieslandCampina (Vietnam)

12:00 Exploring socialising the social way: an

Australian case study of online research
• Discussing the use of online research community for
understanding cultural assumptions:
• Evaluating the different types of activities and
approaches: what are the pros and cons of different
• Implementing multiple communities for one study:
what are the key learning sans results?

Dianne Gardiner - Managing Director
Latitude Insights (Australia)

●USからは、Qualitative Research Onlineの著者で、オンライン定性調査の先駆者である
Jeff Walkowskiがゲストスピーカーとして講演します。

またオーストラリアの#1MROC企業であるLatitude Insights社からは、
MDのDianne GardinerがMROC(online research communities)について報告する予定です。


The Effectiveness of Tactical Co-Creation Community Method: The Case of MROCs in Japan 


コミュニティ・リサーチの新しい方法 「TCC手法」




「ソーシャル・メディア・リサーチ最前線: QRWEB2.0アジア・パシフィック会議の出席報告」




 ソフトバンククリエイティブ から今月、NewMR待望の『次世代マーケティングリサーチ』を出される







・Ray Poynter, ’The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research: Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers’の内容紹介メモ(著作権の侵害をしないように、独断と偏見によるポイントの要約)の第14回目です。

今回は、パートIV リサーチ・トピックス

15章 ウエッブサイト・リサーチの

第2節 ポップアップ・サーベイ







1.1 招待の問題

2.1 サーベイの長さ
2.2 ウインドのサイズ
2.3 スクロール・バー
2.4 強制回答(回答しなければ次へ進めない方式)
2.5 進捗インディケータ
2.6 回答率を最大化する
2.7 取引サイト(支払いやバンキング)

3.1 インビジブル・プロセッシング問題
3.2 ウエッブ・メトリクス

4.1 対象者のスクリーニング
4.2 サーベイのタイミング
4.3 サンプリングの方法
4.3.1 one-in-Nサンプリング
4.3.2 同じ人に繰り返し聞くことを避ける
4.4 ページとロケーション
4.5 テクノロジー問題
4.6 ポップアップの代替法
4.7 クッキーの代替法

5.1 対象者の保護
5.2 クライアントの保護
5.3 事前の同意


Weekly Research Blogosphere





1.Jeffrey Henning 's Vovici

1.Mr. X and the Horseless Carriage of a Different Color (2/6)


2.Mode Effects: Same Survey, Different Medium, Different Results(2/7)

Different survey modes produce different results.

Internet surveys prompt a “web form” script.
eye-tracking studies of surveys indicates that question text is often skipped as respondents’ eyes jump to the choice list.

Social desirability bias tends to be highest for telephone surveys and lowest for web surveys:

3. My Last Blog Post(2/8)

・Market researchers should delight in the market and should seek to improve the market.
Almost everyone prefers a hand up to a hand out and wants to make the world better through their work. Market research helps improve the quality of everyone’s work, and that is no small thing.
Market research is a rich intellectual discipline, shaped by the contributions that thousands before of us have shared. We all stand on the shoulders of giants, and we should all seek to lift those around us by sharing what we’ve learnt.
Market research is a noble calling 崇高な使命

4.The ROI of CEM: Modeling Revenue Increases from CE Investments (2/9)

Customer Experience ManagementのROI

5.The Science of Email Marketing - Applied to Surveys(2/10)


6.Going Wrong by Listening to Your Customers(2/11)


"Yes, you can go wrong by listening to customers, simply by incorrectly generalizing from what you hear."

7.Research Roundup: Agencies Big & Small & Juicy(2/12)


2.Joel Rubinson on Marketing Research

8.Social media as a strategy rather than a side project (2/7)


Time to get serious about social media.  If you don’t commit now, you may never catch up.

3.Rearch Rockstar

9.Online Survey Ads S*ck(2/9)


4.Tom H. C. Anderson - Next Gen Market Research

10.The Last Blog Post(2/8)

・Last Blogに関連して

11.A Free Modeling Tool for Valentine’s(2/11)


5.The Future Place Blog

12.Is listening the new asking?(2/7)

・NewMRのtext analyticのイベントについて

13.Some people have a strange idea of client confidentiality!(2/8)



14.UK Fire and Rescue Services Benchmarks on Facebook and Twitter(2/9)

UK Fire & Rescue ServicesのFacebookとTwitterの利用
15.A Dutch auction and other experiments in the funding of NewMR events(2/12)


16.Some thoughts about NewMR Events(2/13)


6.Random Sampling


7.Straight Talk with Nigel Hollis

17.Can you really tell sheep from shepherds online?  (2/7)

we need to figure out how to identify not just influential people, but also influenceable people. We need not just shepherds, but sheep.

all too often we end up measuring the tip of the iceberg and our actions are informed by what is measurable, not by what’s truly important.

18.Why do people in the U.S. and UK distrust big companies? (2/9)



19.A Chocolate Q-Sort Quiz #MRX (2/7)


20.The Last Blog Post: Speak Loudly My #MRX Friends #LastBlog (2/8)

The Last Blog Post is an idea set up by Daniel Burstein


ability to make the world a better place in your own unique way

・Speak loudly when you see our market research industry being wrongly trod upon.

21.Co-Creation: The Researcher’s Solution for Cognitive Dissonance #MRX(2/9)


22.Drop the Dreaded Sell-Job(2/11)


23.Nature’s Homemade Thermometer(2/12)


9.The Surrvey Geek

24.Let’s get on with it (2/14)


10.Insites Blog

25.EphMRA made my day!(2/8)


26.The Webvertising Forum 2011 #wvf11 (2/9)

・ROI of social media

27.Influential generation calls for more attention(2/9)

・Generation Yの調査

28.5 reasons why a job in market research can jump-start your career (2/10)

・ESOMAR ‘Developing talent’会議に出席して。


・working in market research goes way beyond statistics and numbers.

we can make market research a sexy experience

11.The Researcher's Perspective


12.Future of Insight


13.Voices of CMB

29.The New “Social” Super Bowl Party (2/10)


14.The Forrester Blog


Omnicom buys community builder Communispace
Omnicom buys The Modellers to meet analytics demands

31.The Data Digest: How Democratization Of Technology Empowers Employees (2/11)





16.Marketing Research Watch




18.tanoue40's Blog




20.きまぐれ リサーチャーどうでしょう





33.ネット調査の死 !? (2/7)

23.Digital Consumer Planner's Blog

34.ブランド・リスニング(傾聴)事例の紹介 (8) ブランド再構築とリポジショニング ②




◆Edward F. McQuarrieの

The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners(2006)


今回は、第1章 Nature and Characteristics of Market Researchの

第2節 Distinction 2: Exploratory Versus Confirmatory Researchです。

Distinction 2: Exploratory Versus Confirmatory Research

・Any particular market research study can be categorized as exploratory or confirmatory in intent.

・The goal of exploratory market research探索的MR is discovery.

・The underlying questions are What's new?

・And what are we missing?

・The goal of confirmatory techniques 確証的(検証的)MR is resolution: Is this the right choice?

・What specific results can we expect?

・You conduct exploratory market research to open your eyes and broaden your vision.

・You conduct confirmatory research to narrow your options and concentrate your efforts along the optimal path.

Exploratory techniques tend to coincide with information needs early in the decision cycle, whereas confirmatory techniques come into play later on.

・Here "decision cycle" refers to the set of decisions made over the course of a project.

・"Projects" would include the development of a new product, an investigation of whether a market should be segmented into submarkets, an inquiry into whether to concentrate on a particular niche, an assessment of customer satisfaction, and so forth.

The distinction between exploratory and confirmatory techniques is absolutely crucial.

・As will be explained when we discuss the individual techniques, all the factors that make a market research technique useful in an exploratory context tend to render it highly suspect in a confirma-tory context.

・Stories are legion 多数of the misuse of exploratory techniques (i.e., the focus group) to obtain a degree of certainty that can only be achieved by more expensive and arduous 努力を要する、達成が困難なmeans.

・It is equally a mistake to use confirmatory techniques when discovery is the goal.

・Although the misuse of exploratory techniques incurs direct costs in the form of wrong or suboptimal 次善(最適)の、準最適なdecisions, the misuse of confirmation techniques tends to incur opportunity costs.

・When confirmatory techniques are misapplied, discoveries fail to occur, alternatives go unrecognized, and insight is not achieved.

・If you make hasty use of confirmatory techniques too early in the decision cycle, you run the risk of getting wonderfully precise answers to the wrong questions.

・It is useful to distinguish between relatively exploratory and relatively confirmatory forms of both market intelligence gathering and market research studies.

・Here are examples of each:

Market intelligence, exploratory.

・Once a month you log on to a database such as Dialog or a search site such as Google and perform a keyword search for every mention in any article of each of your three largest competitors.

・These articles are reviewed for possible insights into competitive strategy.

・Market intelligence, confirmatory.

・You subscribe to a service that monitors sales in or shipments to some particular distribution channel.

・Results are periodically analyzed in terms of sales trends セールス・トレンドfor the channelチャネル, changes in market shareマーケット・シェア for yourself and competitors競合, and so forth.

・Market research, exploratory.

・You conduct focus groups to get a better grasp of how your brand is regarded, relative to key competitors, in a certain market segment.

・Market research, confirmatory.

・You conduct a survey of 1,000 customers to assess perceptions of your brand relative to the competition on each of eight significant performance attributes.

・As shown by these examples, market intelligence efforts generally provide data that can be analyzed in a variety of different ways or that will be relevant to multiple projects or decisions.

・The theme again is that a considerable amount of human judgment has to be supplied in order to derive the expected benefits from the data collection.

・Of course, judgment is also required to get the best results from market research studies, but much of that judgment gets exercised up front in the design of the research study.

・Market intelligence data allow for more opportunistic analyses, whereas analysis of market research studies is more constrained by the initial design.

・All four examples just given focus on issues of competitive standing.

・Of course, this is far from the only possible focus for market intelligence and market research.

Broadly speaking, market intelligence and market research studies can be focused on either markets or customers.

・Customers are individual human beings with feelings, perceptions, opinions, and reactions customers make decisions and experience reactions.

・Markets are aggregates consisting of groups, institutions, resource flows, environmental forces, and contexts.

・Markets grow or shrink in size, concentrate or fragment, become more competitive or less so, or change quickly or slowly.

・Market research focused on customers 顧客typically draws on the discipline of psychology心理学, whereas research on markets relies more on theories drawn from economics 経済学and sociology社会学.

・To give some sense of the difference in emphasis, here are four more examples, all of which concentrate on customers rather than on competition (competition is an aspect of markets):

・Market intelligence, exploratory.

・Whenever a customer visit occurs, the person making the visit always asks the customer, "If you could change any one thing about this product, what would that be?"

・Answers are logged in a text database and reviewed quarterly.

・Market intelligence, confirmatory.

・You subscribe to a survey that periodically measures buying intentions 購入意向for your product and others.

・Market research, exploratory.

・You conduct 24 customer visits to identify problems and needs that should be addressed when you design the next generation of an existing instrument product.

・Market research, confirmatory.

・You conduct an experiment to determine which of three pricing levels provides the optimum combination of market share and profit margin for a new product.

・The distinctions between marketing intelligence and market research projects, exploratory or confirmatory intent, and market versus customer data are useful for organizing the domain of market research.

・Most of the remainder of this book focuses on the tools used in market research projects; marketing intelligence receives less emphasis.

・The exploratory versus confirmatory distinction is central to many of the recommendations offered, and the collection of data on both markets and customers is discussed.

・Before describing the process of planning a market research project, this introduction concludes with a discussion of the scope of market research.

・Two questions that often arise are (1) Which comes first, business strategy or market research? and (2) What is the role of market research in facilitating the commercialization of true innovations?

次週は、第3節 Relationship of Business Strategy to Market Research です。




1.repercussion 【名】反動、反響}、影響

2.sloppy 形】不注な、ぞんざいな、ずさんな

・Your work is sloppy. : 仕事が雑だ。

3.visceral 【形】.内臓の、直感的な、感情をあらわにした、心の底からの

4.distill 【自動】【他動】蒸留する、抽出する、抜き出す

5.tear down 引き下ろす、壊す、取り壊す、解体する、中傷する、論破する

6.we all stand on the shoulders of others.私たちは皆他人の作品に依存している

7.interstitial advertising すきま広告、インタースティシャル広告(ページがロードされている間に現れる広告)

→interstitial 割れ目の、裂け目の

8.deem 考える、思う、見なす

9.dispersion 【名】分散

10.dissenting 【形】 異議のある、反対意見の

11.red herring  薫製のニシン、人の気をそらすもの[情報]、おとり

12.delve deeper into ~に踏み込む、~を深く掘り下げる

13.giddy 【形】 目まいがする、目の回るような

14.dreaded 【形】 非常に恐ろしい、恐怖を起こさせる

15.squint 【名】ちらりと見ること、横目で見ること)、【自動】目を細めて見る

16.Pollyanna 【名】極端な楽観主義者◆Eleanor Porterの小説の主人公の名前から

17.percolate 【自動】浸透する、染み透る、活気づく

18.call a spade a spade ありのままに言う

19.tread-trod 歩く、歩いて進む

20.shoddy 【名】粗悪品 【形】粗悪材料で作った、製品などがいいかげんに作った、手抜きの

21.culpable 【形】 〔人・行為が〕責められるべき、とがむべき、非難に値する

22.symptomatic  【形】 (~の)症状を示す、(~の)兆候となる

23.bizarre 【形】奇妙な、とっぴな、奇抜な、風変わりな、異様な、変な

24.asinine 【形】ロバの(ような)、愚かな

25.onus 【名】負担、重荷、義務、責任

26.taint 【名】痕跡、汚染、汚れ、【自動】汚れる、感染する

27.preemptive 【形】先手を取る、先制攻撃の

28.curate 監督する

29.as a corollary to~の当然の結果・帰結として

30.potent  【形】勢力のある、有力な、影響を及ぼす、強力な、効き目のある、良く効く

31.parrot オウム

32.derail 脱線する、狂わせる

33.integrity 【名】誠実、正直、完全性、全体性

34.astute 【形】明敏な、洞察力のある、目先が利く、機敏な

35.dedicate 【他動】 ~をささげる、献身する、専念する

36.unfold 【自動】〔折り畳まれた物が〕開く、広がる、〔物語などが〕展開する

37.measure up 〔基準{きじゅん}に〕達する




ネット調査の死 !?


一昨年の2009年11月28日(日)に「ようこそ みんなのMR.COMへ!」と題して、第1号を投稿してから、お陰さまで今号で無事50回を迎えました。皆様、閲読ありがとうございます。少しでも何らかのお役に立っていれば幸いです。今後ともよろしくお願い申し上げます。100号を目指して、今日からまた頑張りまーす。\(^▽^)/



TOPIC 1:  ネット調査の死 !?


・欧米では、「XXXの死(XXX is deadとかDeath of XXX)」という少しセンセーショナルな表現が流行しています。



そこでは、Ray Poynter No Surveys in Twenty Years? と、

Jeffrey Henning Surveys in 20 Yearsの議論を紹介しました。

・そのJ. Henning氏が、先週の1月31日の彼のブログで、

The Survey is Dead, Long Live the Surveyと題して、サーベイの死を再び取り上げています。





in the future only bad survey practices are dead. Long live the survey!





上のJ. Henning的に言えば、「悪いネット調査の死」です。


























DIY調査の拡大によって、「誤った課題・目的設定」で、「誤った質問」を「誤った対象者」に行っている調査プロジェクトが増加したと言われています。(このような調査設計で収集されたデータをImperfect dataと呼びます)このような調査からは、有効なインサイトの創出はできません。









TOPIC 2: リサーチャーのトレーニング


ForresterリサーチのMarket Insights (MI) group の新任のsenior analystであるRichard Evensenは、

彼の最新ブログ(2月3日)From Market Research To Market Insightsで、

















TOPIC 3: MRイベント情報

1)1月26日(水)、カナダ、トロントで開かれたカナダのリサーチ協会MRIA主催のNet Gain 5.0 : Social Media Game Changer?

内容の一部は、下の#31から#38のLove Statsのブログで紹介されています。

プログラム ソーシャルメディアリサーチの最新情報が豪華なメンバーによって紹介されています。

2)1月27日(木)、ロンドンで開かれたMRS主催のOnline Research Methods



プレゼンのビデオ: Unilever/Ben & Jerry's online communities case study




・Ray Poynter, ’The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research: Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers’の内容紹介メモ(著作権の侵害をしないように、独断と偏見によるポイントの要約)の第13回目です。

パートIV リサーチ・トピックス







15章 ウエッブサイト・リサーチ




























・リサーチャーとHCI(Human-computer interface)専門家、ユーザビリティの専門家の共同作業

・Jacob Nielsen(www.useit.com)が有名







・ステージI: 現行サイトの調査:機能するものとしないものの特定、訪問者のサイトの使用方法、どのようなメッセージをサイトがユーザーに伝えているか、いくつかの基準に対する有効性の評価

・ステージII: ユーザーや訪問者のニーズ:フォーカスグループやインフォメーション・アーキテクチャー・リサーチ、セグメンテーション、コンジョイント分析の使用











ビデオの最後に述べているように、Ray Poynter氏は昨年に引き続き、 ESOMARのAPAC会議に参加されるようです。
Asia Pacific 2011 Increasing value through simplicity Melbourne / 20 - 22 March


Weekly Research Blogosphere






1.Jeffrey Henning 's Vovici

1.Mr. X Markets the Wheel (1/23)

2.Nothing Says You Care Like NoReply@Example.com (1/24)


3.Research Games Pass Go, Collect $200 (1/25)

Gaming and NewMR報告

4.Estimating Willingness to Pay (1/26)

American Marketing Association’s annual Applied Research Methods conference報告

5.Online Research Methods in Focus (1/28)

・ロンドンで開かれたMRSの Online Research Methods会議報告。

6.Research Roundup: Five Fun Focus Groups (1/29)


8.Mr. X and the PHC's RFP (1/30)


9.Vovici Launches 6th Generation of Feedback Solution (1/31)


10.The Survey is Dead, Long Live the Survey (1/31)


11.What You See Isn't What They Get: Differences in Survey Appearance (2/1)

2011 Online Research Methods 報告

12.Learn from Others' Panel Management Mistakes (2/2)

2011 Online Research Methods報告

13.This is Your Brain on Brands (2/3)

2011 Online Research Methods conference報告

14.The Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter (2/4)


15.Research Roundup: From the Long Tail to the Long Trail (2/5)

2.Joel Rubinson on Marketing Research


3.Rearch Rockstar

16.17 Survey Design Tips (1/28)


4.Tom H. C. Anderson - Next Gen Market Research

17.Death of a Social Network (1/24)


18.Why I Like the NGMR Group/Blog (1/28)

・ NGMRブログについて
19.MR Heretic Explained (1/28)


20.Next Gen Market Research Badges (2/3)


5.The Future Place Blog

21.Would you like to be the Apple of market research? (1/28)


22.Interview with John Kearon (1/30)


23.All discourse is social (1/31)


24.Should we use sig testing with online panel studies? (2/4)


6.Random Sampling


7.Straight Talk with Nigel Hollis

25.If you think you have lost the plot, you are not the only one  (1/24)


26.Walmart acts in enlightened self-interest  (1/26)


27.Why brands need to be reinvented  (1/31)


28.Big corporations own many ethical companies. Deceptive or laudable?  (2/2)



29.3 Reasons Why Researchers Hate Focus Groups #MRX (1/22)


30.Check Out the Statistical Outlier on my LinkedIn Cluster Analysis(1/24)


31.Sean Conry: Mobile Research #netgain5 #mrx #li (1/26)
32.Will Goodhand: Social Media Research and Digividuals #netgain5 #mrx (1/26)
33.Brian Levine: Neuroscience and Marketing Research #netgain5 (1/26)
34.Monique Morden: Online Communities, MROC #netgain5 #li (1/26)
35.Ray Poynter – Overview of Online Research Trends #netgain5 (1/26)
36.Brian Singh: Insights from the Nenshi Campaign #netgain5 #mrx #li (1/26)
37.Tom Anderson: Web Analytics #Netgain5 #mrx #li(1/26)
38.#Netgain5 Keynote Roundup: Last Thoughts #MRX #li (1/26)

39.Can a Cup of Coffee Prevent a Suicide?(1/29)


40.My Tastebuds are Leptokurtic, How About Yours? #MRX (1/30)


41.An Acceptable Use of Pie Charts: Van Gogh Color Distributions #MRX (1/31)


42.Pie-Packing by Mario Klingemann: More fascinating pie chart art (2/1)


43.If Frozen Meat Isn’t a Bribe, What About Raw Meat? (2/2)


44.What’s Gonna Kill You? An Infographic That Actually Works #MRX (2/3)


45.Top 9 Lame Excuses to Behave Unethically #MRX (2/4)


9.The Surrvey Geek

46.Getting straight on response rates(1/31)


47.A good idea but . . . (2/2)


10.Insites Blog

48.Conversation Management at Danone (1/24)


49.Community Manager Appreciation Day 2011 (1/24)

・Insights Consultingのイベント

50.The Mobile Revolution (1/25)


51.Online Research 2011 (1/27)

 3月1日にロンドンで開かれるWARCによる Online Research Conferenceの予告


52.Best of ESOMAR (1/31)


53.Unilever brings Ben and Jerry’s consumers into the boardroom (2/4)

Unilever/Ben & Jerry's online communities case study

11.The Researcher's Perspective


12.Future of Insight


13.Voices of CMB

54.Making Good Product Roadmap Bets in a Rapidly Changing World (1/25)


55.Innovation from Rationalization? (2/3)


56.Super Bowl Squares: Increase Your Odds of Winning (2/4)


14.The Forrester Blog

57.The Data Digest: Why Young Consumers Like Tablets(1/28)


58.Introducing Forrester's Market Insights Professionals Community (2/1)


59.The Data Digest: How Do Consumers Respond To Bad Customer Service? (2/3)


60.From Market Research To Market Insights (2/3)





16.Marketing Research Watch



61.『次世代マーケティングリサーチ』(予告編) (2/4)


18.tanoue40's Blog




20.きまぐれ リサーチャーどうでしょう




・「構造方程式モデリングのソフトウェア、Mplusでも知られるLinda and Bengt Muthenのセミナーです。」

63.戦略プロフェッショナル―シェア逆転の企業変革ドラマ (1/27)












69.第9回JMRX勉強会レポート (1/31)

23.Digital Consumer Planner's Blog




◆Edward F. McQuarrieの
The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners(2006)



今回は、第1章 Nature and Characteristics of Market Researchです。



Distinction 1: Marketing Intelligence Versus Market Research Project

Distinction 2: Exploratory Versus Confirmatory Research

Relationship of Business Strategy to Market Research

Technological Innovation and Market Research

Concluding Comments

References and Suggested Readings



Distinction 1: Marketing Intelligence Versus Market Research Projectの部分です。



Market research is a marketing activity, and marketing is a philosophy concerning how to succeed in business.

As a philosophy, marketing competes against other philosophies that make different prescriptions for business success.

Notable among competitors to the marketing philosophy are the innovation philosophy (success comes from technology leadership), the quality philosophy (success comes from building the highest quality products), and the financial philosophy (success comes from making the most efficient use of resources).

As a philosophy, marketing argues for the primary importance of focusing on markets and customers to guide business decisions.

From this perspective, market research consists of anything and everything the firm does to learn about and understand markets and customers.

Adherents to the marketing philosophy are distinguished by their willingness to grant prime authority to market facts and customer needs when choosing among courses of action.

Practitioners of other philosophies do not so much ignore markets and customers as relegate them to a secondary role, as two among many checkpoints, to be consulted toward the end rather than the beginning of decision making.

Because market research reflects a particular business philosophy, and because this philosophy focuses on learning, organizational change may be required when a firm desires to improve its performance with respect to market research.

Put another way, to be truly effective, market research cannot be treated as an isolated function assigned to specialized staff. It has to be a cultural orientation that suffuses the organization.

The literature on organizational learning is pertinent 関係のあるhere (Barabba and Zaltman, 1991; Day, 1994a, 1994b).

If the goal is to be constantly learning about markets and customers, then a wide variety of business functions, and individuals occupying a variety of job roles, have to become involved in market research.

Otherwise, information on markets and customers accumulates in nooks and crannies ーの隅々でacross the firm, but this information fails to influence decisions.

In light of the above, this book has been written to make key ideas about market research accessible to a wider audience.

The guiding metaphor is that there exists a toolbox of market research techniques.

Many homeowners have a toolbox in the house, although few would present themselves as carpenters.

Similarly, many managers need a basic understanding of market research even though market research does not appear in their job descriptions.

Just as many homeowners can use a hammer effectively, without being able to build a house, so also many managers need to understand what descriptive survey research can (and cannot) do.

The next section of this chapter opens the toolbox to show the major compartments of the toolbox.

This introductory chapter then concludes with some limiting cases, the better to set the scope of market research.

The next chapter outlines a process for designing and planning market research.

Distinction 1: Marketing Intelligence Versus Market Research Project

Market research projects involve efforts sharply bounded in space and time and expressly linked to some project such as development of a new product.

These studies have a clear beginning and end, and their cost is assigned to an individual project budget.

Virtually all of the techniques whose names are common knowledge among businesspeople—the questionnaire調査票, the focus groupグルイン, the experiment実験 are applied as part of market research studies.

Marketing intelligence, by contrast, is an ongoing activity not tied solely to a specific project.

As the root metaphor suggests, marketing intelligence consists of bits and pieces of information gained from agents in the field, from diverse publications, from having your ear to the ground, and so forth; often these bits and pieces have been extensively sifted by expert judgment.

For market intelligence gathering, the core competence required for success is one part database management and one part organizational leadership.

It takes vision for a firm's management to commit resources to the gathering of market intelligence not tied directly to any specific project budget.

A minimally adequate effort would involve maintaining a library where reports bought by subscription from consultants such as the Gartner Group, DataQuest, IDC, and so forth, are filed.

Over time, more and more of these resources have become available online so that they can be accessed at the individual manager's desktop.

Still to come are database systems that combine published reports with the firm's own reports of past market research studies and with more diverse kinds of intelligence, such as trip reports from customer visits.

Only now are free-form text databases developing to the point where masses of amorphous不定形の marketing intelligence can be collated照合する, searched, and sifted.

We may expect that Customer Relationship Management software will increasingly be adapted to this purpose.

The challenge posed to software skills, computer network design, and expert systems by the imperative to collect and collate massive amounts of marketing intelligence should not be minimized.

Nonetheless, I suspect the greater barrier to improving the availability and quality of marketing intelligence in the typical firm will consist of organizational and cultural factors.

Information is power, and information is wealth.

Wealth and power are never lightly shared.

Thus, how freely does the sales force share information on customers?

Who is allowed to see the results of a market research study?

Who (if anyone) is charged and incentivized with bringing together information from disparate sources?

These are the sorts of issues that confront an executive who wants to improve the caliber of marketing intelligence available within a firm.

For market research studies, the core competence is problem formulation skills.課題設定

Most business situations do not present themselves as clearly delineated problems but as tangledもつれる messes that might be approached in a variety of ways.

As will be developed in the next chapter, to succeed in a market research study requires that the sponsoring manager clearly articulate the decision to be addressed and the specific kinds of information needed.

Most of the other skills needed to complete a market research study (i.e., expertise in sample selection, experimental design, and statistical analysis統計分析) can be purchased from outside vendors.

But the correct formulation of the research question ultimately resides存在する with the sponsoring manager.

Although good consultants can assist in formulating problems, the authority to determine the real underlying problem inevitably remains with the executive who has profit/loss responsibility for the product or service in question.




1.traction 【名】引っ張られること、静止摩擦

2.chutzpah  【名】 厚かましさ、ずうずうしさ、大胆さ

3.shitty 【形】 とても悪い、ひどく劣った

4.rubbish  【名】くず、がらくた、ごみ、=garbage、trash、くだらないこと、ばかげたこと、ナンセンス
5.panacea 【名】万能薬、解決策、特効薬
6.tightrope  【名】綱渡りの綱、綱渡りのような状況 【自動】綱渡りをする、危ない橋を渡る

7. revamp  【名】改良、修理、【他動】改革する、改造する、改良する

8.tact 【名】臨機応変の才、機転、気配り

9.ream 【名】《reams》〔文書などの〕大量、膨大な量

10.crystallize 【自動】結晶化する、〔考え・計画などが〕具体化する

11.expand on  ~をさらに詳しく述べる[説明する]

12.parenting 【名】しつけ、親業、「子育て」「育児」

13.rally around ~の下に結集する、集まってくる、寄ってくる、味方に付く
14.meet challenges 課題に立ち向かう

15.overcome many hardships いくつも[幾多]の困難[試練]を克服する[を乗り越える・に打ち勝つ]

16.compelling 【形】強制的な、従わざるを得ない、抵抗し難い
17.relate 【他動】関連付ける、.物語る、説明する
18.draw on 手形を振り出す
19. lame 【形】〔説明・言い訳などが〕説得力}のない、下手な、まずい

・Cut the lame excuses. ; That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. : 見え透いた言い訳はやめろ。

・That's a pretty lame idea. : それは、まずいアイデアだ。

20.tastebuds 味の好み

21.kurtosis 【名】カートシス、尖度{せんど}

22.platykurtic 【形】 《統計》緩尖{かんせん}の

23.stalemate 【名】 行き詰まり、引き分け、手詰まり、こう着状態

24.enlightened self-interest 賢明な利己心、開かれた国益



#150 レイ・ポインターのMR白熱教室2015 第4回(最終回)報告

<第149回> レイ・ポインターのMR白熱教室2015 第4回(最終回)報告 2015年6月23日 ● 第4回目のテーマは、 『データからストーリーテリング』 でした。 ● 7月にレイとの懇親会を予定しております。世界のMRのソート・リーダー(thought ...